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    11:05 AM Mar 04


Book Yer Ane Fest IX is in the bag and we honestly can’t thank everyone enough for being part of what may well have been the best BYAF yet. Our collective minds are blown by the kindness and unity shown by our punk rock community. From Pre-BYAF on Thursday night in Glasgow, through all the shows in Dundee and onto the Post-BYAF show in Edinburgh on Monday night, the whole weekend was an incredible and life-affirming experience. It also seems we’re on course to smash our BYAF fundraising total for Safe-Tay. We’ll have that information for you as soon as possible.

Photo by Graham Meldrum.

Photo by Graham Meldrum.

The weekend couldn’t have happened like it did without a massive team effort and there are many people that we’d like to thank; Bobby, Mallory, Dougie and all the staff at Buskers and The Vestry for going out of their way to make sure the we had everything we needed and the run of the place for the weekend, and thanks especially for the vegan-friendly menu; Russell Brown of Maxwell’s Dead for doing an exemplary job with sound over the weekend and Boab and Ross Middlemiss for being part of the engineering team, you guys were incredible; Tristan and Harris at DM Studios in Dundee for sponsoring us backline; Audrey, Fiona, Sam and all the troops at Cerberus Bar for opening their doors to us for the Friday acoustic show and both Brunch Punx and Hardcore Breakfast over the weekend; Stef and the troops at Rainbow Music; Abbie, Cheryl, Fiona, Fraser and the gang for taking care of the info stands/tombola/merch all weekend; Jason and Eva for the massive amounts of food and taking punks in; Alan Easton, James McKay and the staff and Nice N Sleazy for Pre-BYAF; Richard Neill, Billy Liar and the troops at The Banshee Labyrinth for Post-BYAF; all of the incredible bands that graced the stage/floor over the weekend (shout out to Dead Neck for playing three sets); all the troops who came from all over the UK to join us in Dundee; everyone who donated prizes to and played the tombola; Catholic Guilt, Black Lake Records, Struggletown Records and everyone who brought stalls; all of the awesome volunteers who put people up for the weekend; everyone who posted photos online and used #byaf, (we’ll be announcing the photo comp winner this week), each and every person who came out to the shows and showed support plus every/anyone else we may have forgotten; you are all diamonds.

kaddish sunday

Kaddish bringing Sunday night to a close.

We are truly proud of our community and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for such an amazing experience. From PMX opening proceedings in Glasgow to Will Wood wrapping things with a Misfits cover (Hybrid Moments) in Edinburgh on Monday night, the whole weekend has been an utterly mind-blowing and wonderful experience, for which we are very grateful. Thank you so much to everyone who came along and was part of it. We hope we’ll see you all again at Book Yer Ane Fest X, and hopefully before then!

BYAF IX; The Comp will stay online and any/all donations will be added to our total. We will update this information as soon as we can. Keep your eyes peeled for a more detailed review of events from Write Yer Ane Zine over the next few days. Cheers also to The Muso’s Guide for the first review of the weekend’s events to appear online, thanks for the support and kind words.


The new “Swells/Repels” EP from Stonethrower was also released at the weekend and was celebrated with their set in The Vestry on Sunday night. The EP is available on CD and digital download here. Thanks so much to everyone who picked up a copy at the weekend!

Our last show of the year is this coming Friday at Kage and is an absolute banger. After The Fall are from Albany, New York and play righteous full-blast melodic hardcore. We’re delighted to be welcoming them to Dundee for the very first time where they’ll be joined by Yeah Detroit (who play their last ever Dundee show ahead of breaking up this month), Glasgow skate-punks First Step To Failure along with the first Dundee show from Any Last Words.

after the fall2

We shall also be hosting our final Dae Yer Ane Club of the year with MTAT DJs playing the finest in punk/hxc/emo/whatever until the early hours. Doors are at 7.30pm with first band kicking off sharp, so get down early to see everyone. E-Tickets are available for £6 and it’ll be £7 on doors, including club night.

See you all at BOOK YER ANE FEST X.

Thank you for everything!




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